I.V.R. Promotion Pricing List
1. Flyers, Photos and information Placement on I.V.M. website:
- Flyers, Photos and/or website info on I.V.M. ............................................ $1/day ($130/6 months)
- One months Minimum
2. Music Videos, Promo Video Clips placement on I.V.M. website:
- Get you music video, promo video, recordings placed on I.V.M. ........... $2/day ($35 monthly)
- One months Minimum
3. Social Media and Email promo:
- Your promotion Blast on all I.V.M. Social Media platforms 3 times A day.
- Emails sent out to I.V.M. Listeners once a week. ....................................... $15/wk ($45 monthly)
4. Live promotion of your business during I.V.M. Live Shows:
- Our Djs will Big up and verbally promote your business/product during live shows.
- Once every Hour during live broadcast. ................................................... $5/show ($30/10 shows)
5. Commercial Break Promotion:
- Get your Invitations, Bulletin, Flyer read out Live.
Business info/detail presented during live show break. ............................... $10/show ($70/10 shows)
6. Become a Sponsor and save money on your promotions:
- Limited promotions including packages 1 & 2 above. ............................ $100 donation/month
- Unlimited promotions includes all the above packages. ........................ $200 donation/month
-Promotion pricing subject to change at anytime by Island Vibes Music-