Advertisements, Bookings & others Services
WELCOME TO I.V.R. Booking AND Services. Here you can setup Advertising and Promotions, book your party online, order Music cd, flashdrivers or having mixes sent to you via email. Here you can also contact ue to be apart of Island Vibes Radio Dj, Presenter and/or Associate.
I.V.R. Promotion Pricing List
1. Flyers, Photos and information Placement on I.V.R. website:
- Flyers, Photos and/or website info on I.V.R.. ............................................ $1/day ($130/6 months)
- One months Minimum
2. Music Videos, Promo Video Clips placement on I.V.R. website:
- Get you music video, promo video, recordings placed on I.V.R .............. $2/day ($35 monthly)
- One months Minimum
3. Social Media and Email promo:
- Your promotion Blast on all I.V.R. Social Media platforms 3 times A day.
- Emails sent out to I.V.R. Listeners once a week. ....................................... $15/wk ($45 monthly)
4. Live promotion of your business during I.V.R. Live Shows:
- Our Djs will Big up and verbally promote your business/product during live shows.
- Once every Hour during live broadcast. ................................................... $5/show ($30/10 shows)
5. Commercial Break Promotion:
- Get your Invitations, Bulletin, Flyer read out Live.
Business info/detail presented during live show break. ............................... $10/show ($70/10 shows)
6. Become a Sponsor and save money on your promotions:
- Limited promotions including packages 1 & 2 above. ............................ $100 donation/month
- Unlimited promotions includes all the above packages. ........................ $200 donation/month
- Promotion pricing subject to change at anytime by Island Vibes Radio -